15 november 2013

Too much water...

...or hole in the boat!

10 kommentarer:

Pieni Lintu sa...

Oj nejjjj!! :D

BP sa...

Bloggdiarré hos dig igen;-)
Det var nog too much water = regn här tycker jag;-)

HansHB sa...

Flott B&W bilde av båten!

betty-NZ sa...

Oh, I do like this shot a lot! It's perfect for b&w!

Anna sa...

Superfinn bild!
tänkte på samma :)

Kicki sa...

Anna inte nu igen!!!:)

RobertN sa...

Beautiful capture.

Annette P.-L. sa...

So wonderful photo! Nicely done!

Dragonstar sa...

It does look rather wet ;)
Excellent photo.

Taken For Granted sa...

Beautiful shapes and tones in this photo, but there might be a hole in your boat that needs mending.